Contact Us

You came here for help.  And now we sincerely ask for yours. Whether you desire to go deeper in the message of Wild at Heart, have a general question about the ministry, or simply have a technical question, you've come to the right place. Welcome!


While you are a special and unique individual, we find that most of the questions that are asked of this ministry fall into some general categories, and we've had the opportunity to answer them before. We've captured them here in this FAQ, to help you get answers to your questions quickly.


Since we are a small ministry staff-wise (averaging around 12 people and a few contractors) we ask you to please use the search tool below BEFORE contacting us with your question. We do not have a full time communications team, and so your checking the FAQ first really helps us to maximize the use of our human resources.


We TRULY thank you for your help.

Frequently Asked Questions