When our sons were young and it was time to get ready for bed, we would announce, “Time for jammies and teeth!”  They used to wear John’s old T-shirts as jammies.  They were soft and comfortable and fell to their knees or lower.  Now, all three sons have outgrown my husband’s tees. 


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We just returned home from visiting our middle son Blaine at college.  It was such a good visit!  Oh, to kiss the cheek of my son!  Blaine had told us about a place called Yogurtland that he really liked and thought I’d really like.  OK.  Really love.  He was right!  It is a frozen yogurt paradise!


We went three times in two days.  I have officially had my frozen yogurt fix for quite some time. 

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My friend Julie introduced me to sprinkling cinammon on top of the coffee grounds before making the coffee.  When the coffee maker has worked its magic, I add a little cream and voila.  Happiness in a cup!  I am now ready for my day!  I enjoy beginning my morning with a really good cup of coffee.


I also like slippers.  Soft, cushy, fluffy, preferably pink slippers.  Unfortunately, so does my dog.  That I don’t like so much.


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 The snow is melting but it’s still freezing cold outside and I find myself dreaming of summer; the one to come and then the one that just ended…One of the highlights of this past summer was a camping trip our family took to the Tetons.  Oh the beauty! Sharp, dangerous, glorious beauty. I close my eyes and I can see the mountains rising up across the lake.  Pure grandeur.  


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I can’t eat anything delicious.  My period is coming.  And I’m trying to relate to my sixteen year old son.  It is not going well.


Sometimes I feel that he looks at me like I am a strange (not exotic, just strange) fish swimming inside of a tank.  What?!?  Huh


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