We were visiting friends in Tucson, escaping the freezing temperatures for a brief respite to the warmth of the sun and the warmth of a welcome.  After a restful day exploring the wonder of the desert, we gathered together for evening prayer before turning in.  A particular phrase of one of my friend’s prayer caught my heart and my imagination.  “Father, sing your lullaby of delight over us”.

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I love walking our golden retriever, Oban in the hills behind our home.  Oban is almost 4 years old now but still such a puppy.  Yesterday, he decided that he did not want to go for a walk after all but wanted to play tug ‘o war instead!  In goes the leash into his mouth…back legs

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A friend’s daughter is turning 16 and asked a few friends and family members to write her a (short) letter about their memories of being sixteen and perhaps a little advice…here’s mine.  I dedicate it to all the young women reading this…whatever their age.


Dear Beauty,


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I stopped making New Year’s resolutions a  few years ago.  Now, I do like to dream but the resolution thing never seemed to work out for me.  At the turn of this year, however, I decided to get more organized…with meal plans and grocery shopping in particular.  I didn’t call my new, stay with the program, don’t try to figure out dinner at 5:30pm plan – a New Year’s resolution.


But it was.


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Addicted to doesn’t mean the same thing as dependent upon.  But it’s close, isn’t it?  If I’m addicted to alcohol, my body will crave it, my mind will demand it, my cells will cry out for it.  I need  a drink in order to cope, to feel better or to feel nothing at all.  Or, at least, I think I need a

drink.  I believe I need a drink.  I turn to alcohol to help me, to save me.  I depend upon it to do what it has done in the past…offer a momentary sense of relief.


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I read on Yahoo news recently about a woman (Ms. Warden) in North Carolina who is spreading the word from her Subaru that Jesus will be returning on May 21st  of this year.  Another ministry devoted to deciphering the scriptures teaches that he’s coming back in 2016.  I forget the exact day.  December 23, 2012 is also a day being offered up for Christ’s imminent and triumphant return as is  May 14thof this year.


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Christmas is an invasion.  Not just the kingdom of God invading the earth, but God himself, invading the earth.  In Person.  Oh, how I love this!


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I had my first Christmas miracle today!  I was in and out of the DMV in less than 20 minutes having secured the new license plates I needed! (The originals were stolen off of Sam’s car).  I’ve been praying lately that I would see God in new ways.  Praying for a spirit of wisdom and

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Maybe hormones aren’t as bad as I think they are.  Maybe they are my friend.  I would like to declare a truce, better still, I’d like to make nice.  To that end…a little note of appreciation to estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone.  The likes of which make me crazy.  Sometimes.  But maybe I  need to be thankful.  No, really.


Men, you can read this if you want but this baby is for women.  Yay women.  Go women! 


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A good friend of mine's son (let's call him Andy) is an excellent soccer player.  He's gifted, he's talented and he works really, really hard at it.  He began playing on local leagues as soon as he could run and boy howdy can this young man run!  Andy's on the high school team now - a key player leading their team to play stronger and more consistently than in several years.  You get the picture.  This guy is good.


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